
PNWMA race license & registration

BCORCS race event signup

License and Race Entry Waivers

BCORCS Series Points Standing

Rules and Regulations

2024 BCORCS Rules

Pacific Northwest Motorcycle Association British Columbia Off Road Championship Series Rules and Regulations 2024 Updated May 15th, 2024 Mission Statement Section 1. Competition Committee Section 2. Host Club Section 3. Scoring Team Section 4. Competitors Section 5. Admission into the Off-Road Series Section 6. Complaint Procedures Section 7. Posters Section 9. Typical Race Day Format - For Host Club Section 10. Racer's Guide to Racing What's New: changes for 2024 are listed here: pnwma.com/2024/2024-rule-and-class-changes/ Introduction Since 1931, the Pacific North West Motorcycle Association (PNWMA) has been committed to the growth of off-road motorcycling [...]

BCORCS Safe To Race COVID-19 Plan

Revised: Jan 22, 2021 Off-Road Dirt Bike Events - Best Practices Toolkit The PNWMA wishes to ensure there is a safe return to racing and ensure the racers, organizers, and spectators are following the guidelines laid out by the Province of BC. Guidance for best practices is adapted from the collective input from a diverse group of motorsports professionals, inclusive of the GNCC, AMA, and a number of other motorsport organizations, with the common goal to reopen motorcycle recreational riding areas. All aspects of the collective task force effort are based on a full understanding of necessary safe practices, including [...]

Competition License Application

Note:  If you are reading this on the website, you should purchase your license online.  Visit pnwma.com/license Download Competition License Application PDF


HELMETS USED FOR COMPETITION MUST CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS: DOT An acronym for Department of Transport, DOT is the is US government approved standard and, in the United States, is the most popular. DOT standards are aimed at protecting skulls from 90% of impact types ( low to moderate energy impacts according to the HURT Report) and favours a more shock-absorbent helmet. The maximum G-force allowed by the DOT test is 250g’s, an impact of 200 to 250 g’s to the head would result in a severe, though probably survivable brain injury (the DOT anvil is either flat or [...]

Fees & Tariffs

0.) This schedule has been edited on February 1st, 2017 0.1) The funds noted will be the same in either Canadian or American funds unless otherwise noted. 1.) PNWMA Competition License for the Year – Individual: $40.00 2.) PNWMA Competition License, Weekend – Individual: $20.00 3.) PNWMA Competition License for the Year – Family: $60.00 4.) PNWMA Competition License, Weekend – Family: $30.00 4.1) A family is defined as a parent and their dependents, under 19 years of age, residing at one address. 4.2) A weekend license can be upgraded to a yearly license at the next event. 4.3) A [...]

Spark Arrestor Policy

The PNWMA mandates that all racers must utilize a spark arrestor on their motorcycle, this requirement is necessary to comply with Provincial law and to meet the conditions of our insurance policies. This requirement will be strictly enforced to achieve a level playing field for competitors and to comply with legal and insurance necessities. The responsibility for ensuring compliance with this policy lies with the club hosting a PNWMA sanctioned event. The host club must inspect each motorcycle at the same time as the sound test. Any competitor found to have removed or disabled a spark arrestor after the inspection [...]

Sportsmanship Code

It is the stated goal of the PNWMA to provide a level field of play for competitors on which to pursue the challenging sport of off-road motorcycle racing. As in all  competitive sport it is necessary that participants adhere to the principals of fair play,  integrity and respect for their fellow racers and volunteers. Off-Road  racing is an intense sport both physically and mentally and at times passions run high, however this does not excuse abusive behavior or seeking to gain an unfair advantage. The PNWMA asks that the first step of resolving a conflict be handled by the involved [...]

Sustainable Trail use Statement

The off-road racing community of BC is incredibly fortunate to have access to some of the most spectacular, varied and challenging terrain anywhere. The opportunity to compete on trails in coastal rain forests, rugged river valleys, interior plateaus and mountainous alpine areas is unique to our series. The PNWMA recognizes that the access we enjoy comes with a need to limit our impact, this requires planning on the part of the clubs hosting events. Areas of concern include wet lands, wildlife habitat, range lands, historically significant locations, streams and rivers. With proper planning clubs can balance environmental concerns with the [...]

Arrowing Guidelines

Index 1) Arrow Specifications 2) Marking Trail 3) Marking Turns 4) Confidence Arrows 5) Wrong Way Markers 6) Danger Markers 7) Road Crossings 8) Splits 9) Checkpoints 10) Examples of Course Marking 0) Introduction 0.1) The following arrowing guidelines are intended as a reference to be used in arrowing race courses for the Pacific Northwest Motorcycle Association’s (PNWMA) Off-Road Series. They are provided to allow for consistent arrowing of race loops throughout the Off-Road Series and to provide reasonable guidelines for the methods to properly mark a race course. 1) Arrowing Specifications 1.1) The PNWMA does not recommend using ribbon [...]

Guide to Racing

BCORCS Classes

There are 23 classes in the BCORCS series. There are classes and courses for all ages and skill levels – from Peewees to Pros.  Please read the descriptions of each class and choose based on your skill level, race experience, and age restrictions.  A racer’s class determines their starting order, cut-off time, which course (A,B,C,D or E) and which race day.


( Download PDF: PNWMA BCORCS Class Structure – 2025 PDF )

Class # Class Name Course Cutoff Description AMSA Equiv WOC
1000 Pro A 2.5hr Elite class with the highest skilled racers. Approval from the race committee to join this class. Pro Pro
2000 Expert
A 2.5hr Expert racers working towards Pro. Experience from intermediate or another A class recommended. Expert Expert
3000 Vet Expert
(Vet Exp)
A 2.5hr 30+ years, This is a speed based class, meant for our fastest and highest level of skilled vets. This is the class that EX Pro and Expert racers can move to and still be competitive. Vet Masters Vet Expert A
4000 Senior Expert
(Sen Exp)
A 2.0hr 40+ years, Advanced skilled veteran aged riders. Experienced racers, riding black& double red trails. 40+ A Vet Senior
5000 Vet Intermediate
(Vet Int)
A 2.5hr Advanced skilled veteran aged riders that have not formerly competed in Expert or Pro. Experienced riders, riding black & double red trails. 30A 30A
6000 Womens Pro
(Womens Pro)
A 2.5hr Highest skilled womens class, racers with advanced skills and speed. Experienced racers, riding black & double red trails. Ladies Pro Ladies Pro A
7000 Intermediate
(Int <30)
A 2.5hr Racers under 30. High skill level, working to advance to Expert. Must have racing experience. Experienced racers, riding black & double red trails. Intermediate Intermediate
8000 Super Senior
(Sup Sen)
B 2.0hr 50+ any size engine. Blue and Black trail experience. 50+ Super Senior
9000 Legends B 2.0hr 60+, any size engine. Blue and Black trail experience. 60+ Legends
10000 Vet Amateur
(Vet Am)
B 2.0hr 30+ years, Veteran aged riders with some experience. Novice to Intermediate riders. Able to ride blue and some black trails. 30+ B Vet Junior
11000 Senior Amateur
(Sen Am)
B 2.0hr 40+ years, Veteran aged riders with some experience. Novice to Intermediate riders. Able to ride blue and some black trails. 40+ B Vet
12000 Junior Over
(Jun Over)
B 2.0hr Open class, novice to experienced any age. Recommend age group between 16-30, any size engine. Able to ride blue and some black trails. Junior Junior
13000 Womens Intermediate
(Womens Int)
B 2.0hr Restricted to women riders with experience or those advancing from the Womens Amateur class. Able to ride blue and some black trails. Ladies Intermediate Ladies Intermediate
14000 Womens Amateur
(Womens Am)
B 2.0hr Novice and beginner women, any size engine. Able to ride blue and some black trails. Ladies Junior (Sunday) Ladies Amateur
15000 Junior Under
(Jun Und)
B 2.0hr Novice to experienced riders, 15 years or younger. Able to ride blue and some black trails. Kids Expert (Sunday) Junior Under
16000 Kids Intermediate
(Kids Int)
C 1:15hr Age 15 and under.
More experienced riders ready for more challenging terrain. Up to 5-7 km course. 65cc and up. Kids who have racing experience. Will be limited to 19”-16” tires, No full size bikes allowed in this class.
Kids Intermediate (Sunday) Kids Intermediate
17000 Womens Beginner
(Womens Beg)
C 1:15hr Restricted to beginner women riders, any age. Up to 5-7km course. Bike size maximum 300cc Ladies Beginner (Sunday) Ladies Beginner
18000 Kids Junior
(Kids Jun)
C 1:15hr Age 12 and under.
Kids who are ready to try a longer up to 5-6km course. PeeWee Expert Racers moving up. Will be limited to 19”-16” tires, No full size bikes allowed in this class.
Kids Junior (Sunday) Kids Junior
19000 Kids Beginner
(Kids Beg)
D 45min Age 11 and under
First time clutch users and first time racers. Will be limited to 19”-16” tires. No full size bikes allowed in this class. 1-3 km course.
Kids Beginner (Sunday) Kids Beginner
20000 PeeWee Expert
(PW Ex)
D 45min 10 and under: Little rippers with some riding/race experience, up to maximum age of 10 years old. (Move up to Kids Junior when bumped)
Examples of recommended bikes include:
•Electric bikes: OSET MX, STACYC 20” wheel size, KTM/HUSQ/GASGAS EE5 equivalent
•Gas powered bikes including:
➔ 4 Stroke (4T)- Honda 70/110, Yamaha PW80 and TTR110
PeeWee Expert (Sunday) PeeWee Expert
21000 PeeWee Intermediate
(PW Int)
D 45min 8 and under: Little rippers with some riding/race experience
Examples of recommended bikes include:
•Electric bikes: OSET MX, STACYC 20” wheel size, KTM/HUSQ/GASGAS EE3 equivalent
•Gas powered bikes including:
➔ 4 Stroke (4T)- Honda 70/110, Yamaha PW80 and TTR110
PeeWee Intermediate (Sunday) PeeWee Intermediate
22000 PeeWee Beginner
(PW Beg)
E (D Course) 30min 6 and under: Little rippers with limited skill set/experience, up to a maximum age of 6 years old as of January 1, 2025. No training wheels permitted, must be able to balance under their own power.
Examples of recommended bikes include:
• Electric bikes: OSET 12.5, STACYC 12” and 16” wheel size
•Gas powered bikes including Yamaha PW50 & TTR50, Honda CRF50, Suzuki DRZ50
PeeWee Beginner (Sunday) PeeWee Beginner
23000 PeeWee Tykes
(PW Tyk)
E (D Course) 30min 4 & Younger: Little rippers with limited skill set/experience, up to a maximum age of 4 years old. No training wheels permitted, must be able to balance under their own power.
Examples of recommended bikes include:
• Electric bikes: OSET 12.5, STACYC 12” and 16” wheel size
•Gas powered bikes including Yamaha PW50 & TTR50, Honda CRF50, Suzuki DRZ50

Class Changes: Mid-Season class changes can be made. A rider must fill out another license form and present a current valid PN license (Otherwise the rider will pay for a new license.) The rider’s old class points will be frozen and all points from the date of change will be placed in the rider’s new class. The rider can only change to a similar or more advanced class, never drop down, also the rider will not be allowed to race in his/her previous class.


AGE RESTRICTED CLASSES: For age-restricted classes, a rider’s eligibility is determined by their age at the time of their first race of the season. Once registered in a class, they may remain in that class for the entire season, even if they have a birthday that would otherwise move them to a different age group. Riders will not be reassigned to a different class mid-season.

Note: C/D/E racers may only compete for points in one class.

Note: Ladies have the option of riding any class, depending on ability.

Guide To Racing

Racer’s Guide to Racing

Decide which Class to race in

There are 22 Classes in the BCORCS series. There are classes for all ages and skill levels from Peewees to Pros. Please read the descriptions of each class at pnwma.com/classes choose based on your skill level and race experience, and age restrictions. If you are unsure of what class you should choose, reach out to us at [email protected].


Obtain a Race License

License registration is online through MotoTally. Click the link below to purchase your race license. Enter a request for your race number. The race number assigned will have a class prefix and we try to get as close to your requested number as possible. Annual Licenses are $75 each for an A/B license or $40 for a C/D license.  Family licenses are $100 for the first family member and $15 for each additional. Weekend licenses are $40 each for A/B classes and $25 for C/D classes.

Register Now at pnwma.com/registration .

Sign the Waiver

Sign the online digital waiver at pnwma.com/waiver.

Race Numbers

Watch your email for notice of Series Registration confirmation and your assigned annual racing number. It is not required to put your race number on your bike for the BCORCS Series.

Pre-Enter a race

Pre-Entry for each race opens 2-4 weeks before the race and closes the Thursday before race weekend. If you miss pre-entry, you may enter at check in on the day.

Race Day Schedule

Schedules vary by races and events. Below is a typical race day schedule:

Saturday races:

Sign up and check in 8:30am – 10am

Riders Meeting 10:30am

D Class Start 11:00am, duration 45 mins, no minimum racing time requirement

C Class Start 12:00pm, duration 75 mins, no minimum racing time requirement

Trophies: 4pm

Sunday Races:

Sign up and check in 8:30am – 10am

Riders Meeting 10:30am

A Class Start 11:00am, minimum racing time 2.5hrs.

A Specials Start 11:00am, minimum racing time 2hrs.

B Class Start 11:00am, minimum racing time 2hrs.

Trophies: 4pm

Check-In on Race Day

Check in with timing. Bring your helmet.

Pick up your transponder (if you don’t have one), handlebar tag, and race sticker.

All competitors must ensure that their motorcycles meet technical requirements. You will be required to take the motorcycle through tech inspection prior to sign up.

  • USFS approved spark arrestor
  • Exhaust system to meet 96db sound requirement

Attending Riders Meeting is Mandatory for all racers.


Line up to start with your class. An official will check you off at the start.

Once rider has left the start line, he/she may not change motorcycles. No ride switches can be made.

Remain on marked course (Definition of marked course is outline above in rule 2.10.1), if you leave you must return and continue from where you left.

  • Use good sportsmanship.
  • Let faster racers pass, gently make room but do not make sudden moves in your line. A faster racer will know how to get around you.
  • Pass slower racers in a safe manor.
  • Slow down and stop at checkpoints.
  • No cutting the course or missing checkpoints. No defacing, changing or destroying markers.
  • Report any injuries of other riders to next checkpoint.
  • No riding under the influence of anything other than adrenaline!
  • Off Road Racing is a demanding sport and accidents can happen. While there are sweepers out there to help you stay safe you may be stuck alone before they arrive.

No riding backwards on the course, under any circumstances, you can be badly injured.

In the pits…

  • First gear only in the pits.
  • Your machine must be shut off while refueling.

Finishing the Race

A Class Riders will race for a minimum of 150 mins*

B Class Riders will race for a minimum of 120 mins*

C Class Riders will race for 75 mins, no minimum racing time, must complete one lap for points*

D Class Riders will race for a minimum of 45 mins, no minimum racing time, must complete one lap for points *

* Typical times, listen carefully at riders meeting as each race can vary.

Completing a Race and Cut-off Time

  • The racer must complete one lap to be counted in the results.
  • The race keeps going until after the racer’s class Cut-off time. The race is done when the leather tag is pulled at the scoring tent.
  • Timing Out”:  There is no more “Timing Out” since the 2024 season.  If you finish your first lap and wish to stop you can hand in your tag and head back to your truck, you will be scored in the points based on where you placed.  If when you finish a lap the cut-off for your class has not yet happened, you can keep racing for another lap.  As long as you complete that next lap you will be in front of all the racers who stopped and handed in their tag with fewer completed laps.


You MUST return your RACE TAG to timekeeper if you decide to stop!  Otherwise we will search for you on the course!

Results will be posted once the race is completed and all racers tags are turned in and returned safely. After posting you only have 30 minutes to dispute. Please bring your dispute to the scoring tent who will find you a PN Racing Committee Executive. Disputes cannot be handled after the 30-minute period.

Trophies are given for top 3 places and may go to the top 1/3rd placings for larger classes (at club discretion). Ceremonies start after dispute period is over. There is usually lots of goodies and prizes, stick around!!

See the Race Results

Within 24hrs of the race finish the results will be posted here: pnwma.com/results 

Series Points and Standing

Points are awarded for each placing in a race and added at the end of the year for all races. Racers will have one throwaway race each season, provided the racer has completed 5 races. Races can be cancelled due to weather or other factors and will change the race counts. Attend every race, the promoters work hard to put on races!
Points are assigned as follows:

















































Series standings are updated after each race and posted here: https://www.moto-tally.com/BCORCS/Standings.aspx

A full list of PNWMA rules are listed here (link to rules)

We’re here to help! Email us at [email protected] if you have questions!

BCORCS Classes

A Course Classes – The A Course is typically a 20-60km loop. A combination of trails from intermediate to very difficult trails.

1000 – Masters – 1000 numbers

  • Minimum racing time 2.5hr
  • Fastest riders, any age, any size engine.
  • Permission required to enter this class.

2000 – Expert

  • Minimum racing time 2.5hr
  • Fast riders, any size engine.

3000 – Vet Expert

  • Minimum racing time 2.5hr
  • Fast riders 30-39 years, any size engine.

4000- Senior Expert

  • Minimum racing time 2.0hr
  • Fast riders 40-49 years, any size engine.

5000 – Intermediate

  • Minimum racing time 2.5hr
  • Experience riders, any size engine.

6000 – Women Expert

  • Minimum racing time 2.0hr
  • Fast riders, any size engine. A course.

B Course Classes – The B Course is typically, a 20-40 km loop, a combination of easy to difficult trails, but not extreme.

7000 – Super Senior

  • Minimum racing time 2.0hr
  • 50 years or olders, any size engine.

7500 – Legends

  • Minimum racing time 2.0hr
  • 60 years or older, any size engine.

8000 – Vet Amateur

  • Minimum racing time 2.0hr
  • 30-39 years, any size engine.

9000 – Senior Amateur

  • Minimum racing time 2.0hr
  • 40-49 years, any size engine.

10000 – Junior Over

  • Minimum racing time 2.0hr
  • Novice and beginners, 16 years or older, any size engine.

11000 – Women Intermediate

  • Minimum racing time 2.0hr
  • Novice to experienced women, any size engine.

12000 – Junior Under

  • Minimum racing time 2.0hr
  • Novice and beginners ready to take on the B Course, 15 years or younger, any size engine.

13000 – Women Amateur

  • Minimum racing time 2.0hr
  • Novice and beginners ready to take on the B course, any size engine.

C Course Classes (Saturday Races) – For beginners and smaller racers who want to try racing. Typically a 5km loop.

14000 – Kids Intermediate

  • Minimum Racing Time 1-1:15hr
  • 65cc and up. Kids who are ready to try more difficult terrain. Age under <16.
  • Please Note: Racers may only participate in one Saturday class race. C class racers may enter a B Class Race on Sunday with a purchase of an additional race license. The Competition Committee must approve the additional license and reserves the right to refuse any class entry.

15000 – Womens Beginner

  • Minimum Racing Time 1:15hr
  • Restricted to beginner female riders. Age 13+
  • Racers may only participate in one Saturday class race. C class racers may enter a B Class Race on Sunday with a purchase of an additional race license. The Competition Committee must approve the additional license and reserves the right to refuse any class entry.

16000 – Kids Junior

  • Minimum Racing Time 1:15hr
  • 65cc and up. Kids who have racing experience

D Course Classes (Saturday Races) – smaller loop for young racers, typically 1-2kms.

17000 – Kids Beginner

  • Minimum racing time 45-60min
  • Recommended: First time clutch users and first-time racers. Manual clutch bike must be used. Will be limited to 19″-16″ tires, no full-size bikes allowed in this class. Age <16

18000 – PeeWee

  • Minimum racing time 45-60min
  • Recommended: Maximum 50cc 2-stroke and 110cc 4-stroke, automatic clutch minibikes. Age under <12

2023 Acceptable Helmets for Competition

The PNWMA as the sanctioning body of the British Columbia Off-road Series adopts the following standard for acceptable helmets for competition. The participants must wear a helmet that is approved at a minimum by the DOT standard; however we highly recommend that participants wear helmets that met either the SNELL foundation M2010 standard or the ECE R22-05 standard. Please see pnwma.com/documents on our website to review that complete document.

Fore more information, Please see Helmets under Rules and Regulations .

BCORS Regions

PNWMA BC Off-Road Championship Series Regions

BCORCS is divided into two Regions:  Coastal (BCORCS-C) and Interior (BCORCS-I).  The idea is to allow racers and option of racing part of the series in a smaller more local format rather than running the entire series.

The Coast – (Region #1) Generally these races fall in this region. Subject to change.
1. Piston Run Hare Scramble, Chilliwack BC, GVMC
2. Nicola Valley Bar Bender, Merritt BC, NVDRA
3. Toasted Hare Scrambles, Bellingham WA USA, MBMC
4. Monkey Wrench Cross Country, Lytton BC, WCDR
5. Vedder Cross Country, Vedder Mtn BC, VMMC
6. Cat Scratch, Squamish, SDBA


The Interior – (Region #2) Generally these races fall in this region. Subject to change.
1. Big Kahuna Hare Scrambles, Kamloops BC, GKMA
2. The Night Pig Hare Scrambles, Vernon BC, OOMC
3. The Squealin’ Pig Hare Scrambles, Vernon BC OOMC
4. Tree Hugger Hare Scramble, Castlegar BC, WKDAS
5. Chuwells Challenge Cross-Country, Kamloops BC, GKMA

Rider Number Plates

These are recommended for riders to aid in scorekeeping and identification by spectators. These are not essential. If you do use numbers then please use the last three numbers of your PNWMA license. There will be no penalty for using other numbers and colors but we ask you to refrain from this to avoid confusion.

Class Number Color Background Color Class Number Example
Masters (AA) White Red 1000 MST 1000
Expert (Open A) Black White 2000 EXP 2000
Veteran Expert (Vet A) Black White 3000 VET EXP 3000
Intermediate (Open B) Black Yellow 4000 INT 4000
Senior Expert (Senior A) Black White 5000 SEN EXP 5000
Women’s Expert (Women A) Black White 6000 WMN EXP 6000
Veteran Amateur (Vet B) Red White 8000 VET AM 8000
Senior Amateur (Senior B) Red White 9000 SEN AM 9000
Super Senior (Super Senior) White Black 7000 SUP SEN 7000
Legends White Black 7500 LEGENDS 7500
Junior Open (Open C) Red White 10000 JUN-OVR 10
Women’s Amateur (Women B) Black White 11000 WMN 11000
Junior Under (15 & Under) Red White 12000 JUN UND 12000

PNWMA has contacted a couple of local graphics companies and provided them with PNWMA logos, so this way you can add these logos to your graphics kit.

ORS Points

Position Points Position Points
1st 30 11th 10
2nd 25 12th 9
3rd 21 13th 8
4th 18 14th 7
5th 16 15th 6
6th 15 16th 5
7th 14 17th 4
8th 13 18th 3
9th 12 19th 2
10th 11 20th and over 1

21 or worse = 1 point
Good samaritan or work points = the average of points collected over the season

The points for the off-road series are then tallied at the end of the year and the best races are counted towards the series totals

A riders best scores of the series are totaled for Series Awards

Also to qualify for points a rider’s best scores are totalled. Appendix B of the Rules and Regulations has a current listing of the amount of throwaways depending on the class and series that you’re racing in.

Throwaways & Work Points


There is one throwaway per season, provided the racer has entered a minimum of 5 races.  Occasionally weather and environmental issues may cause race cancellations and change the number of races in the series.

Work points & Good Samaritan:

For those registered racers that decide to help out at a race, there are still points available for you. One method is to work the event. This is dependent on the organizers, but it is an easy way to make points for the year. The other is the Good Samaritan rule which allows a racer who stops to help a downed rider. In both cases the racer gets an average of the points they received all season. Overall points are calculated on all the events raced, while the regions are calculated on the regional events raced.


The transponders may be kept for as long as you decide to race.

The transponders used by the Race Timer system are EXTREMELY durable, requiring virtually zero maintenance. When ready to use, they’ll be programmed with your rider number, and as you change classes / rider number through the years, you need only reprogram it with your new rider number.

The system is easily able to differentiate between riders at the checkpoint – regardless how close they are together. If you have lost of forgotten your transponder, additional transponders are available at signup.

The transponder must be affixed to the inside of your helmet visor. The transponder will not work if it is mounted anywhere else. Take the time to ensure that the transponder is securely mounted. Remember – the transponder is YOURS, so take the extra time to ensure you don’t lose it.

Sound & Spark Arrestor Testing

Riders will be expected to take their motorcycles to tech inspection at every event. Bikes will be tested for sound and should be at 96db or less. Riders will also be expected to have an approved spark arrestor on their motorcycle. There will be random sound and spark arrestor checks throughout the year. A rider will NOT be permitted to start a race without a spark arrestor installed on their motorcycle.

PNWMA statement of registration and liability

Newly enacted BC Law mandates registration of Off- Road motorcycles (ORV). The responsibility to meet / comply lies with the owner / racer/ rider. It is the responsibility of the bike rider / owner to meet all the government requirements. The PN will not be monitoring or enforcing the law. We strongly encourage all bike rider / owners to register their ORV’s.

For More Info

Please check out the PNWMA website at pnwma.com  for more information, or check us out on Facebook  at: www.facebook.com/groups/pnwma

License fees are applied to PNWMA costs including printing, website and other expenses. All work is done by volunteers.

The aim of the PNWMA Off-Road Series is to go out and have fun.