About pnadmin

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So far pnadmin has created 136 blog entries.

2024 BCORCS Rules

Pacific Northwest Motorcycle Association British Columbia Off Road Championship Series Rules and Regulations 2024 Updated May 15th, 2024 Mission Statement Section 1. Competition Committee Section 2. Host Club Section 3. Scoring Team Section 4. Competitors Section 5. Admission into the Off-Road Series Section 6. Complaint Procedures Section 7. [...]

2024-05-15T20:08:53-07:00January 24th, 2023|Rules and Regulations|

2023 Acceptable Helmets for Competition

The PNWMA as the sanctioning body of the British Columbia Off-road Series adopts the following standard for acceptable helmets for competition. The participants must wear a helmet that is approved at a minimum by the DOT standard; however we highly recommend that participants wear helmets that met either the [...]

2023-02-13T23:23:59-08:00January 22nd, 2023|Handbook|

Awards Banquet and 2023 Season

The Awards Banquet tomorrow closes out the 2022 season and kicks off to 2023 Race Season! (https://pnwma.com/calendar/) Note: the WOC dates are tentative. The PNWMA Annual General Meeting was held in November for elections and rules review for 2023. The current directors have agreed to stand in their current [...]

2023-01-24T22:51:29-08:00January 20th, 2023|Front page news|

PNWMA Director’s Meeting (2022 AGM) – Nov 14, 2022

Attendance : Ken, Sarah, Paul, Carly, Ted, Sylvie, Jane, Brian, Damian, Angela, Caleigh, Ray, Kirstin, Christine, Chrisma, Carla Approval of Last Meetings Minutes  Agenda Items Financial Report Sylvie review financial review for year see attached document. Strong year overall. Set up new investments for future with revenues. Motion Sarah [...]

2023-01-17T18:36:36-08:00January 17th, 2023|Front page news, Minutes|

Trophy List is up!

Results are final! Please review the trophy list for spelling of your name, bike brand (for contingency) in the attached PDF. Christine Kuznak will be reaching out to the jacket winners for sizing and preferences. Awards night is January 21st, in Abbotsford at the Clarion Hotel. Come out everyone [...]

2022-10-27T22:36:29-07:00October 27th, 2022|Front page news|

BCORCS 2022 season is complete!

All the BCORCS races this year had record attendance and a ton of new racers to add to our big racing family. The first season of Kids and Womens beginner races was a hit, can’t wait to see these kids next year now that they’ve had a taste of [...]

2022-10-10T15:37:29-07:00October 10th, 2022|Front page news|

Western Offroad Championship (WOC) Standings

The Western Off-Road Championship (WOC) standings are attached in this post! The race committee met and landed on the following interpretation of the rules: The rules state a racer must race 4 races, however due to some confusion, there was a choice to respect but expand on the original [...]

2022-10-06T21:43:53-07:00October 6th, 2022|Front page news, Races|

Chuwhels pre-entry is open!!

 Checkout the poster below... pnwma.com/preentry The race is at a different location than last time. Save these directions, google maps just leaves you on the highway!! Chuwhels Challenge Race Directions: Driving from Vancouver take exit 336 (Logan Lake/Lac Le Jeune rd exit) onto meadow creek road heading towards Stake [...]

2022-10-07T14:56:35-07:00September 28th, 2022|Front page news|

Treehugger Pre-Entry is open!

Pre-Entry is posted for The Treehugger, Sept 24/25! R9 for BCORCS and the last round, R6, of the WOC! Check out the poster for details on a race filled weekend! If you have a PN license go straight to Pre-Enter: pnwma.com/entry If you do not have a license go to [...]

2022-08-23T14:56:20-07:00August 23rd, 2022|Front page news|

Pre-entry is open for The Night pig and The Squealing Pig, Sept 3/4! Check out the poster for details on a race filled weekend! 1. If you have a PN license go straight to Pre-Enter: pnwma.com/pre-entry 2. If you do not have a license go to Series Registration to [...]

2022-08-12T10:51:09-07:00August 12th, 2022|Front page news|