Attendance : Ken, Sarah, Paul, Carly, Ted, Sylvie, Jane, Brian, Damian, Angela, Caleigh, Ray, Kirstin, Christine, Chrisma, Carla

Approval of Last Meetings Minutes 

Agenda Items

  1. Financial Report
    1. Sylvie review financial review for year see attached document.
    2. Strong year overall.
    3. Set up new investments for future with revenues.
      1. Motion Sarah
      2. All in favour
      3. Motion passed
  2. Awards Banquet
    1. 5-year Jackets, Damian, Brian, Caleigh
    2. Awards banquet coming along, details posted on PN web site
    3. Brain storming ideas for entertainment during the night, 50/50, guest book …. Stay tuned for more details… posting details as we get closer to dial in numbers.
    4. Trophies are coming along… sample looks great … style tuned
    5. Jackets being order set up soon
      1. All in favor of direction
  3. Calendar Update
    1. Calendar attached
    2. Calendar in complete… confirmed and ready to post on PN web site
    3. Alberta Dates will need to be confirmed
  4. Rules – Voting
    1. See attached for amendments to rules
  5. Director Election; Ken, Sarah, Paul, Carly, Ted, Sylvie, Jane, Brian, Damian, Angela, Caleigh, Ray, Kirstin, Christine, Chrisma, Carla, Bev, Quintin, Tom,
  1. Racing for 2023
    1. Race Dates – Attached is the Proposed Race Date List
      1. Carla will finalize 2023 calendar for all events, and confirm all dates
      2. Yukon races dates to be confirmed
    2. WOC
      1. Update on costs and trophies
        1. Went well, some fine tuning with rules and details
        2. Cost approx. $1500 for trophies and graphics
        3. All in favour of being a part for WOC 2023 season
      2. Next years participation
        1. CGL is being reviewed to ensure that our coverage is up to date. Reviewing the entire insurance policy, covering PN & clubs. More details to follow in the up coming meetings. Kirstin will be working on this.

New Business

No new business

Jan 17, 2023, next meeting via Zoom

End of Meeting

Closed @ 905pm


  1. General editing changes to Rules
  1. Clarify language; “C” class racer may enter a “B” race, with a purchasing of an additional license. The Competition committee reserves the right to refuse any class entry.
  2. Do they need two licenses?
  3. Can points count for both?
      1. A’ Motion … Sarah all in favor


  1. Rule 2.4 Alberta racers under 16 will be allowed to race in the Junior Over if they are competing in a WOC race.
    1. The JUNIOR class in AMSA is all age group, this rule is to allow for the WOC class equivalencies.
  2. Rule 2.4 Change the start order of intermediate and Senior Ex and numbering to the following:

  1. Rule 2.5.3 Change the cut-off for Ladies Expert to 2.5hrs.
  2. Rule 3.2.1 Remove the cap of 15 pts for work points. Average of all races.
  3. Rule 3.3.1 Propose there is always one throwaway per season.
  4. Rule 4.3 The course is within 10 metres of the arrows/markings, unless two markers are present indicating a specific path.
  5. Fees Proposed
    1. 50 for a single
    2. 60 for the primary family member and 10 for each member.