PNWMA BC Off-Road Championship Series Regions
BCORCS is divided into two Regions: Coastal (BCORCS-C) and Interior (BCORCS-I). The idea is to allow racers and option of racing part of the series in a smaller more local format rather than running the entire series.
The Coast – (Region #1) Generally these races fall in this region. Subject to change.
1. Piston Run Hare Scramble, Chilliwack BC, GVMC
2. Nicola Valley Bar Bender, Merritt BC, NVDRA
3. Toasted Hare Scrambles, Bellingham WA USA, MBMC
4. Monkey Wrench Cross Country, Lytton BC, WCDR
5. Vedder Cross Country, Vedder Mtn BC, VMMC
6. Cat Scratch, Squamish, SDBA
The Interior – (Region #2) Generally these races fall in this region. Subject to change.
1. Big Kahuna Hare Scrambles, Kamloops BC, GKMA
2. The Night Pig Hare Scrambles, Vernon BC, OOMC
3. The Squealin’ Pig Hare Scrambles, Vernon BC OOMC
4. Tree Hugger Hare Scramble, Castlegar BC, WKDAS
5. Chuwells Challenge Cross-Country, Kamloops BC, GKMA