There are 23 classes in the BCORCS series. There are classes and courses for all ages and skill levels – from Peewees to Pros.  Please read the descriptions of each class and choose based on your skill level, race experience, and age restrictions.  A racer’s class determines their starting order, cut-off time, which course (A,B,C,D or E) and which race day.


( Download PDF: PNWMA BCORCS Class Structure – 2025 PDF )

Class # Class Name Course Cutoff Description AMSA Equiv WOC
1000 Pro A 2.5hr Elite class with the highest skilled racers. Approval from the race committee to join this class. Pro Pro
2000 Expert
A 2.5hr Expert racers working towards Pro. Experience from intermediate or another A class recommended. Expert Expert
3000 Vet Expert
(Vet Exp)
A 2.5hr 30+ years, This is a speed based class, meant for our fastest and highest level of skilled vets. This is the class that EX Pro and Expert racers can move to and still be competitive. Vet Masters Vet Expert A
4000 Senior Expert
(Sen Exp)
A 2.0hr 40+ years, Advanced skilled veteran aged riders. Experienced racers, riding black& double red trails. 40+ A Vet Senior
5000 Vet Intermediate
(Vet Int)
A 2.5hr Advanced skilled veteran aged riders that have not formerly competed in Expert or Pro. Experienced riders, riding black & double red trails. 30A 30A
6000 Womens Pro
(Womens Pro)
A 2.5hr Highest skilled womens class, racers with advanced skills and speed. Experienced racers, riding black & double red trails. Ladies Pro Ladies Pro A
7000 Intermediate
(Int <30)
A 2.5hr Racers under 30. High skill level, working to advance to Expert. Must have racing experience. Experienced racers, riding black & double red trails. Intermediate Intermediate
8000 Super Senior
(Sup Sen)
B 2.0hr 50+ any size engine. Blue and Black trail experience. 50+ Super Senior
9000 Legends B 2.0hr 60+, any size engine. Blue and Black trail experience. 60+ Legends
10000 Vet Amateur
(Vet Am)
B 2.0hr 30+ years, Veteran aged riders with some experience. Novice to Intermediate riders. Able to ride blue and some black trails. 30+ B Vet Junior
11000 Senior Amateur
(Sen Am)
B 2.0hr 40+ years, Veteran aged riders with some experience. Novice to Intermediate riders. Able to ride blue and some black trails. 40+ B Vet
12000 Junior Over
(Jun Over)
B 2.0hr Open class, novice to experienced any age. Recommend age group between 16-30, any size engine. Able to ride blue and some black trails. Junior Junior
13000 Womens Intermediate
(Womens Int)
B 2.0hr Restricted to women riders with experience or those advancing from the Womens Amateur class. Able to ride blue and some black trails. Ladies Intermediate Ladies Intermediate
14000 Womens Amateur
(Womens Am)
B 2.0hr Novice and beginner women, any size engine. Able to ride blue and some black trails. Ladies Junior (Sunday) Ladies Amateur
15000 Junior Under
(Jun Und)
B 2.0hr Novice to experienced riders, 15 years or younger. Able to ride blue and some black trails. Kids Expert (Sunday) Junior Under
16000 Kids Intermediate
(Kids Int)
C 1:15hr Age 15 and under.
More experienced riders ready for more challenging terrain. Up to 5-7 km course. 65cc and up. Kids who have racing experience. Will be limited to 19”-16” tires, No full size bikes allowed in this class.
Kids Intermediate (Sunday) Kids Intermediate
17000 Womens Beginner
(Womens Beg)
C 1:15hr Restricted to beginner women riders, any age. Up to 5-7km course. Bike size maximum 300cc Ladies Beginner (Sunday) Ladies Beginner
18000 Kids Junior
(Kids Jun)
C 1:15hr Age 12 and under.
Kids who are ready to try a longer up to 5-6km course. PeeWee Expert Racers moving up. Will be limited to 19”-16” tires, No full size bikes allowed in this class.
Kids Junior (Sunday) Kids Junior
19000 Kids Beginner
(Kids Beg)
D 45min Age 11 and under
First time clutch users and first time racers. Will be limited to 19”-16” tires. No full size bikes allowed in this class. 1-3 km course.
Kids Beginner (Sunday) Kids Beginner
20000 PeeWee Expert
(PW Ex)
D 45min 10 and under: Little rippers with some riding/race experience, up to maximum age of 10 years old. (Move up to Kids Junior when bumped)
Examples of recommended bikes include:
•Electric bikes: OSET MX, STACYC 20” wheel size, KTM/HUSQ/GASGAS EE5 equivalent
•Gas powered bikes including:
➔ 4 Stroke (4T)- Honda 70/110, Yamaha PW80 and TTR110
PeeWee Expert (Sunday) PeeWee Expert
21000 PeeWee Intermediate
(PW Int)
D 45min 8 and under: Little rippers with some riding/race experience
Examples of recommended bikes include:
•Electric bikes: OSET MX, STACYC 20” wheel size, KTM/HUSQ/GASGAS EE3 equivalent
•Gas powered bikes including:
➔ 4 Stroke (4T)- Honda 70/110, Yamaha PW80 and TTR110
PeeWee Intermediate (Sunday) PeeWee Intermediate
22000 PeeWee Beginner
(PW Beg)
E (D Course) 30min 6 and under: Little rippers with limited skill set/experience, up to a maximum age of 6 years old as of January 1, 2025. No training wheels permitted, must be able to balance under their own power.
Examples of recommended bikes include:
• Electric bikes: OSET 12.5, STACYC 12” and 16” wheel size
•Gas powered bikes including Yamaha PW50 & TTR50, Honda CRF50, Suzuki DRZ50
PeeWee Beginner (Sunday) PeeWee Beginner
23000 PeeWee Tykes
(PW Tyk)
E (D Course) 30min 4 & Younger: Little rippers with limited skill set/experience, up to a maximum age of 4 years old. No training wheels permitted, must be able to balance under their own power.
Examples of recommended bikes include:
• Electric bikes: OSET 12.5, STACYC 12” and 16” wheel size
•Gas powered bikes including Yamaha PW50 & TTR50, Honda CRF50, Suzuki DRZ50

Class Changes: Mid-Season class changes can be made. A rider must fill out another license form and present a current valid PN license (Otherwise the rider will pay for a new license.) The rider’s old class points will be frozen and all points from the date of change will be placed in the rider’s new class. The rider can only change to a similar or more advanced class, never drop down, also the rider will not be allowed to race in his/her previous class.


AGE RESTRICTED CLASSES: For age-restricted classes, a rider’s eligibility is determined by their age at the time of their first race of the season. Once registered in a class, they may remain in that class for the entire season, even if they have a birthday that would otherwise move them to a different age group. Riders will not be reassigned to a different class mid-season.

Note: C/D/E racers may only compete for points in one class.

Note: Ladies have the option of riding any class, depending on ability.