Latest news for the front page


The PNWMA is sorry to announce that MBMC’s Toasted Hare Scramble June 23 & 24, 2018 in Hannigan will not be a pointed BCORCS race due to the outrageous increase in medical insurance fees for racing in the USA. We feel it would be unfair to expect our racers [...]

2018-05-16T16:01:36-07:00May 16th, 2018|BCORMA News, Front page news, Races|

Canadians riding or racing in the USA

While planning for your next trip to ride or race in the USA the Pnwma directors highly recommend you and your family get travel medical insurance. Please take note that insurance fees have had a large increase in the last week. They have increased by double or even more. [...]

2018-05-26T10:41:43-07:00April 19th, 2018|BCORMA News, Front page news|