Latest news for the front page


Kahuna Man and the GKMA are please to announce that the 2018 BIG KAHUNA XIII will be moving back to its previous venue of the Whispering Pines Moto Park. An extensive thank you to the Whispering Pines Indian Band and Sage Deverell for making this happen. Please follow this [...]

2018-09-19T17:13:08-07:00March 27th, 2018|BCORMA News, Front page news, Races|

Bike numbers are filling up.

Bike Numbers are filling up! Register soon to reserve yours. To look up last years bike numbers and see which ones are still available for this year. The bike number list is online below and can be found on the PN points page. For 2017: Choose 2017 Bike# List [...]

2018-02-20T11:19:07-08:00January 30th, 2018|Front page news|

2018 BCORCS PNWMA Licenses

PN License registration is now open! Register for your license now and request your PN racer number. We will try to give you last year's number if requested, but no guarantees if you leave it too long. Keep checking back, Pre-Entry for the Big Kahuna will start soon! The [...]

2018-02-20T11:25:46-08:00January 29th, 2018|Front page news|

Final 2017 BCORCS points review.

The 2017 race season saw some epic races, hotly contested wins, hugs, smiles, laughter, tears, and a hostile mother nature. We kicked off the season with a bang climbing hills at the Big Kahuna, came together to honor Rob Hett, and finished up at the Rev Limiter with additional [...]

2018-02-20T11:27:49-08:00November 7th, 2017|Front page news|