About pnadmin

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So far pnadmin has created 133 blog entries.

Final WOC standings are posted!

The McClean Creek race wrapped up the WOC and the updated Standings are posted! Protest period starts now and closes on Oct 3rd. Make sure your races are accounted for and your name is spelled correctly. Inquiries and protests should be sent to [email protected]. Standings: https://www.moto-tally.com/WOC/Standings.aspx Rules: Must enter [...]

2023-09-27T10:19:42-07:00September 26th, 2023|Front page news|

Points! Points! Points???

Here are some fun facts about BCORCS Series Points...  A WORTHY READ! 1. You must enter in a minimum of 4 races to qualify for Series Points. When final Series Standings are posted competitors with 3 or less races will be removed. (See Rule 3.3.1). 2. Standings are posted [...]

2023-09-27T10:13:10-07:00September 25th, 2023|Front page news|

Registration for the 2023 BCORCS Series is open!

Singles, Families, Weekend Warriors can now all register online. Step 1: Fill out a Waiver: pnwma.com/waiver Step 2: Watch for an email to confirm your email address and complete the waiver Step 3: Buy a License and request a race number: pnwma.com/registration Families read promo code instructions carefully Step [...]

2023-02-13T23:39:20-08:00February 13th, 2023|Front page news|

Guide To Racing

Decide which Class to race in Obtain a Race License Sign the Waiver Race Numbers Pre-Enter a race Race Day Schedule Check-In on Race Day Racing Finishing the Race See the Race Results Series Points and Standing BCORCS Classes List Racer's Guide to Racing Decide which [...]

2024-01-30T02:10:28-08:00February 12th, 2023|Handbook|

2024 BCORCS Rules

Pacific Northwest Motorcycle Association British Columbia Off Road Championship Series Rules and Regulations 2024 Updated May 15th, 2024 Mission Statement Section 1. Competition Committee Section 2. Host Club Section 3. Scoring Team Section 4. Competitors Section 5. Admission into the Off-Road Series Section 6. Complaint Procedures Section 7. [...]

2024-05-15T20:08:53-07:00January 24th, 2023|Rules and Regulations|

2023 Acceptable Helmets for Competition

The PNWMA as the sanctioning body of the British Columbia Off-road Series adopts the following standard for acceptable helmets for competition. The participants must wear a helmet that is approved at a minimum by the DOT standard; however we highly recommend that participants wear helmets that met either the [...]

2023-02-13T23:23:59-08:00January 22nd, 2023|Handbook|

Awards Banquet and 2023 Season

The Awards Banquet tomorrow closes out the 2022 season and kicks off to 2023 Race Season! (https://pnwma.com/calendar/) Note: the WOC dates are tentative. The PNWMA Annual General Meeting was held in November for elections and rules review for 2023. The current directors have agreed to stand in their current [...]

2023-01-24T22:51:29-08:00January 20th, 2023|Front page news|