Date: November 21, 2017

Time: 7:10 PM

Location; Ricky’s Country Restaurant 20110 Lougheed HWY Maple Ridge

Attendance: Jane, Ken, Andrea, Sylvie, Keighley, Angie, Blaine, Tom, Ted, Greg, Kevin, Darin, Paul

  • Financial Report – Sylvie – Director reports
    1. Sylvie reviewed financials. Review complete package
    2. Showed a small loss for the 2017 year.
    3. New race score system was big expense, approx. $ 2000 to have new system running, PayPal, rider fee and system up dates. This will be a yearly cost moving forward. Scoring system was a great win for the PN.
    4. Saving in travel expenses, insurance fee ok.
    5. Overall good shape.

Motion to except: Ted

Second: Jane

All in favor

Comments on the 2017 year

Ken comments on the complete year, good year overall, unfortunate about races being canceled

  • Rules update, endurocross committee recommendations, further rules updates?
    1. Endurocross Rules; keep rules simple, compiling event locations and events.
    2. Decided at rules sub meeting, talked about scoring (manual), classes, event must haves, trophies, race break down; qualifying, number laps, who can help riders during race, PN insurance, race are consistent. . Check list for host event.
    3. How much will the PN be involved, sign up? Time keeping? Course layout? Very divided as a group. PN wants to support but not are not there to run the events. Host clubs must run the complete event.
    4. Series would be called BCEXC
    5. Dates to come possibly September, August 2018 (2 RACES)
    6. More details to come, Brain will put a package together

Rule adjusts; tear offs are a concern, hard to enforce.  No other rule concerns at this time

  • BCORMA, support and contributions. By this I mean how can we help with the overall vision and execution, is there something we can do to get dirt bike representation back to all the relevant boards?
    1. BCORMA is a valued resource
    2. PN has requested BCORMA financials to continue supporting with money from PN. 2016 has not been paid as of yet, no financials. 2017 could see same challenges.
  • CRAG representation, does the PN have a place at the table and do we want to go?
    1. Ken attended this meeting, good meeting lots of information, went as a Fraser Valley Dirt Rider.
    2. PN should consider getting involved and be active. There are several PN members that do attend at this present time. Ken will continue to go to meetings and bring back information to the PN.
    3. Meeting are posted on Facebook, some very good information.

Motion to pay BCORMA the moneys if the financials are forwarded to the PN: Jane

Second Brian

All in favor

  • Calendar update
    1. Vernon looking for a second race date. Andrew C. has contacted the PN with this request.
    2. Island is out, were unable to come up with double header weekend
    3. Salmon Arm out for a year, let area rest for a year.
    4. Panorama possible cxcc event early June (Alberta).
    5. Printed calendar is subject to change… always cross check PN website.
    6. Print 1500 copies this year, past year we print 2500 copies.


  • Awards and Bike Show
    1. Darin… Jackets sizes complete. Trophy changes Darin brought a sample, $50 each. Possible number plate and decal? Need a picture of Blake W. Trophy will still same this year.
    2. Angela… Bike show layout has changed a little, not a great booth location. Ted and Angela worked on layout. Volunteer list coming soon. We will have power and a tv in the booth, trophies to show off.
  • Elections, possible new VP? Ted becoming Member at Large? Interior representation? Adding in conference calling to our meetings for this?
  • New business
    1. CXCC for BC 2018?

9) Adjourn


Download PDF: Meeting AGM November 21, 2017