Date: April 16, 2019 Time: 7:00 PM
Attendance: Paul, Carly, Ted, Jane, Damon, Ken, Brian, Greg, Angela, Sarah, Kristen, Ray, Tom
Location: Ricky’s Country Restaurant 20110 Lougheed HWY Maple Ridge
- Minutes
- Resend
- Promoting our races and series. Squealing Pig and Quesnel cancelled. How can we do more to promote and help foster the race series?
- Quesnel cancelled due to snow.
- Merritt race, this will be the last year for that event. Looking for folks to help support Club with course prep.
- Squealing Pig, logging.
- Supporting our clubs, communication with club leaders and asking what support they need.
- Possible idea, workers earn points towards a bike tire or bike gear, possible points towards raffle. Track hours, who, dates, locations and trail/club leader submits. Damon will develop forms, Sarah will develop framework, possible Kristen to help develop frame work.
- Google ad could be a great opportunity, Damon looking into all details.
- Scoring team help and assignments, commitments
- Sarah has a spread sheet for signing up and scoring at races.
- Scoring system is very easy to operate.
- Rules update
- Rule review has been completed and current rules are clean. Appendix A need to be amended,
Motion: Jane
10 or more races there will be one throw a way. 9 races or less there will be no throw a ways
Second: Ted
All favor
- Equipment upgrades
- Need more transponders. Sarah has ordered more.
- Laptop keyboard is not working well.
Motion: Jane
Sarah will be upgrading equipment
Second: Ted
All in favor
- New Business
- Gold fund, ISDE 7 day. Reviewing PNMWA support. Ken will be contacting Renee Turner.
- Nickle mine update, there has been a break through. Kids loop, new staging area, ORV funding possibly. Multiyear project. Trail work, BBQ weekend coming soon.
- Adjourn
Download PDF Minutes: PNWMA_Meeting_minutes_April_16_2019