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Chuwhels pre-entry is open!!

 Checkout the poster below... The race is at a different location than last time. Save these directions, google maps just leaves you on the highway!! Chuwhels Challenge Race Directions: Driving from Vancouver take exit 336 (Logan Lake/Lac Le Jeune rd exit) onto meadow creek road heading towards Stake [...]

2022-10-07T14:56:35-07:00September 28th, 2022|Front page news|

Treehugger Pre-Entry is open!

Pre-Entry is posted for The Treehugger, Sept 24/25! R9 for BCORCS and the last round, R6, of the WOC! Check out the poster for details on a race filled weekend! If you have a PN license go straight to Pre-Enter: If you do not have a license go to [...]

2022-08-23T14:56:20-07:00August 23rd, 2022|Front page news|

Pre-entry is open for The Night pig and The Squealing Pig, Sept 3/4! Check out the poster for details on a race filled weekend! 1. If you have a PN license go straight to Pre-Enter: 2. If you do not have a license go to Series Registration to [...]

2022-08-12T10:51:09-07:00August 12th, 2022|Front page news|

Piston Run June 4/5 Pre-Entry is open! Closes early on May 31st so we can prep the scoring crew. There is no cap for this race, you may sign up on the Saturday or Sunday early! 1. If you have a PN license go straight to: 2. If [...]

2022-05-24T18:36:32-07:00May 24th, 2022|Front page news|

Vedder’s Vengeance Results and Photos

Beautiful day for a fabulous A&B race at Vedder. Tyler Murray took the overall win and Christine Kuznak took the top Womens spot. Results are posted at: Thank you VMMC for putting on a great race, thank you to all the sponsors and shops who supported with $$ [...]

2022-05-24T18:31:11-07:00May 22nd, 2022|Front page news|

Vedder’s Vengeance Pre-Entry is OPEN!

If you have a PN race license go straight to Pre-Entry: If you do not have a PN race license yet... you must get one first: Purchase a race license and choose a race number at: Sign Waiver and confirm email at the end: Wait for [...]

2022-04-22T21:04:19-07:00April 22nd, 2022|Front page news|

Big Kahuna Results are Up!

Results are posted for the Big Kahuna. If you have concerns, want me to check your laps, or should have received a trophy and would like some bling, send a note to [email protected]. Thank you for your patience and support with Sunday’s delay. See the latest results at: [...]

2022-04-18T20:06:42-07:00April 18th, 2022|Front page news|

Big Kahuna Check In Times

Big Kahuna Check In Times: Friday night 6pm to 8pm Saturday morning 8am to 10:15am Sunday morning 7 to 8am - this is a short one hour for last minute A and B racers to check in! Pre-Entered racers: Find the fast lane(s) Bring your helmet Leave with a [...]

2022-04-12T20:58:02-07:00April 12th, 2022|Front page news|