About pnadmin

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So far pnadmin has created 133 blog entries.

BCORCS Safe To Race COVID-19 Plan

Revised: Jan 22, 2021 Off-Road Dirt Bike Events - Best Practices Toolkit The PNWMA wishes to ensure there is a safe return to racing and ensure the racers, organizers, and spectators are following the guidelines laid out by the Province of BC. Guidance for best practices is adapted from [...]

2021-01-25T17:25:21-08:00January 25th, 2021|Organizers, Rules and Regulations|

Riders of the Lost Parks

This year the Ride to Live is looking a little bit different because of COVID-19. Prostate Cancer BC & the Westcoast Motorcycle Ride to Live Committee have produced a new twist for this year's event. We have opened up the event to Motorcycle Riders all across BC and are [...]

2020-07-16T21:28:23-07:00July 16th, 2020|Front page news|

BCORCS 2020 Season Cancelled!

The PN Directors and the Clubs for all the remaining races have met and the decision has been made to cancel the remainder of the 2020 BCORCS Season.  The decision was not made lightly and all aspects of safety conditions, racer counts, remote travel, and local govt approvals were [...]

2020-06-26T13:58:38-07:00June 26th, 2020|Front page news|

BCORCS June Races Postponed/Cancelled

After extensive investigation, and sad hearts we are cancelling/postponing the BCORCS June races. The Piston Run is officially postponed to another date yet to be determined.  The Merrit Bar Bender, Quesnel Outback Bushwhack, and the Monkey Wrench are also cancelled. Behind the scenes, the PN Directors, Scoring Team and [...]

2020-05-27T08:40:33-07:00May 27th, 2020|Front page news|

COVID-19 & The Big Kahuna ☹

We know the COVID-19 situation is evolving quickly and effecting everyone in our racing family. We're concerned about keeping our racers, volunteers and our community safe, and we're monitoring the provincial public health guidelines and official Health Orders. At the moment, the current BC Public Health Order prevents gatherings [...]

2020-03-17T23:03:31-07:00March 17th, 2020|Front page news|

PNWMA Meeting Minutes – Feb 20th, 2020

Meeting Minutes February 18, 2020   Meeting called to order at 7:15   Attendees DN, TB, TA, AG ,CS, BD, CK, RK Minutes from January were deemed to be good. CXCC updates, Awards & Bike Show -  accepted Financials Sylvie will update them when she returns. Awards and Bike [...]

2020-03-17T17:28:04-07:00March 17th, 2020|Minutes|

Pre-Entry for The Big Kahuna is open!

Join us on the April long weekend for three days of racing, camping and fun! Watch for all the details on the GKMA website & FB page (https://www.facebook.com/bigkahuna.2018/ ) Jump the line and pre-enter the Endurocross and the Harescramble Main Race today! Remember to register for your PN License [...]

2020-03-13T18:28:36-07:00March 10th, 2020|Front page news|

PN – AMSA Class Mapping

Register for your PN license today!! The Big Kahuna Pre-Entry will come online this weekend and all racers need a PN license to enter. This year the PN and AMSA will honour each other's licenses for CXCC-W competitors. Register with the PN online and choose "Mailin" (don't mail anything [...]

2020-03-13T18:31:39-07:00March 8th, 2020|Front page news|