Latest news for the front page

It’s time to psych up for racing!

It's time to psych up for racing! It is time to get excited and sign up for your racing license. Registration for the PN 2021 Series (purchase a racing license) is live now! PN License open now: PN Race Pre-Entry open on Monday: The Fall racing season line up: [...]

2021-08-09T09:23:41-07:00July 30th, 2021|Front page news|

Remaining spring races cancelled

Racing Family Hang in There, Sept will be here sooner than you think! After discussions with our race organizers and in consideration of the current public health orders, the races for May, June and July are cancelled  (Vedder, Piston Run, Merritt, Monkey Wrench).  And the CXCC series is cancelled [...]

2021-05-20T18:28:50-07:00April 26th, 2021|Front page news|

Big Kahuna – Cancelled

It breaks my heart to post the update today. Due to the tightening of restrictions, the approvals are not in place to run the Big Kahuna and the race is officially cancelled. We will watch the Health Orders closely and keep you updated. If the "Outdoor Sport" and "Outdoor [...]

2021-04-08T00:58:44-07:00April 8th, 2021|Front page news|

Big Kahuna Postponed to April 24/25

Racing Family: The date for the Big Kahuna has been pushed out to the end of April with a new tentative date of April 24/25. On April 1st we will evaluate the public health order situation and post a new update if we need to push again. If the [...]

2021-03-06T16:39:54-08:00March 6th, 2021|Front page news|

Riders of the Lost Parks

This year the Ride to Live is looking a little bit different because of COVID-19. Prostate Cancer BC & the Westcoast Motorcycle Ride to Live Committee have produced a new twist for this year's event. We have opened up the event to Motorcycle Riders all across BC and are [...]

2020-07-16T21:28:23-07:00July 16th, 2020|Front page news|

BCORCS 2020 Season Cancelled!

The PN Directors and the Clubs for all the remaining races have met and the decision has been made to cancel the remainder of the 2020 BCORCS Season.  The decision was not made lightly and all aspects of safety conditions, racer counts, remote travel, and local govt approvals were [...]

2020-06-26T13:58:38-07:00June 26th, 2020|Front page news|

BCORCS June Races Postponed/Cancelled

After extensive investigation, and sad hearts we are cancelling/postponing the BCORCS June races. The Piston Run is officially postponed to another date yet to be determined.  The Merrit Bar Bender, Quesnel Outback Bushwhack, and the Monkey Wrench are also cancelled. Behind the scenes, the PN Directors, Scoring Team and [...]

2020-05-27T08:40:33-07:00May 27th, 2020|Front page news|

COVID-19 & The Big Kahuna ☹

We know the COVID-19 situation is evolving quickly and effecting everyone in our racing family. We're concerned about keeping our racers, volunteers and our community safe, and we're monitoring the provincial public health guidelines and official Health Orders. At the moment, the current BC Public Health Order prevents gatherings [...]

2020-03-17T23:03:31-07:00March 17th, 2020|Front page news|